Thursday, May 17, 2012

P-A-D: Day 34, Frustrated and Frazzled

Let's be honest here for a moment. Parenting is hard. Parenting a newborn is exhausting. And quite often inglorious. Yesterday I wanted the picture to show a little of that.

Because the previous two days were about the hardest on me since we've had her at home. Her spitting up has gotten worse again, she is eating more and more often (likely because she keeps emptying her stomach immediately after eating), and she has become much more demanding with her newly found voice. Gone are the days of the "calm baby". If she's not asleep, she's is demanding to be held and/or fed. The after-midnight feedings have been particularly brutal, turning into multiple-hour ordeals where I fight exhaustion and nausea (thank you Mirapex) while watching her try to keep down her food both during and after her feeding. Because all you can do is watch, wishing helplessly that you could do something as her little face contorts and her mouth works and her hands go up to her lips in a futile attempt to keep her meal inside. I've heard there are worse cases of reflux than hers, so I am thankful. But that doesn't really make any of this easy.

I do have a plan of attack to make some of this a little less frustrating. I can't do anything about her reflux, and I can't do much about her sleep schedule, but there are things I can do to acclimate better than I have been. Yesterday was a little better because of this. Today, I'm hoping for a little more relief. Except for some reason I can't sleep in when suddenly given the chance. *le sigh*

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