Wednesday, June 13, 2012

P-A-D: Days 50 - 61, Beginning of June

And so the days pile on top of each other and no blogging gets done. *sigh*

Day 50: June 1, Is she really that big?

The turn of the month made me realize she had been home for well over a month, and I wondered how much she had grown. So here is a before-and-after photo: on the right, we are still at the hospital at only a few days old; on the left, we are comfortably at home and she is about 6 weeks old. Her head looks bigger now, she looks bigger, and I think she's longer.

Day 51: June 2, Thanks Aunt Holly!

A box arrived today, and inside was a gift all the way from England - wow! Isn't that a gorgeous turtle? There just aren't enough turtles in the house for my honu keiki! This definitely helps. Thanks Aunt Holly for the beautiful, thoughtful gift! Oh, and did you see the kitty trying to sneak in a wee sniff? Nikka has been the perfect angel around the baby. Whew!

Day 52: June 3, Trip to Bothell Landing

We visited another park today! We saw duckies and geeses and lots of fluffy, fooshy things floating in the air. Must be from a cottonwood tree, since that's what the little tufts look like: cotton. Right? And guess who forgot to bring the camera? Mommy! Oh well, here's a nice pic of baby Kailea after we got home.

Day 53: June 4, PEPS Group Photo

We should have taken this picture at week one, but no one thought of it until today. Oh well. Here are our babies, L-R, oldest to youngest: Heather's Adelyn, Katie's Jack, Kyrie's Henry, Christine's Finn, Julie's Ethan, my tiny baby Kailea, and Lauren's Eleanor. The girls are all just chillin', while the boys all seem to be going for the action shot. Be sure to check out PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support) if you have a kidlet of your own!

Day 54: June 5, Who's that girl in the mirror?

Daddy was trying out various things to keep baby Kailea from having a melt-down during tummy time. A story didn't help, the mini Boppy pillow and matching mat weren't doing the trick, and those rings were boring. But what's this...? What's a mirror? And who's that girl in there looking at me? She looks just like me!

Day 55: June 6, Missed it - argh! >.<

Day 56: June 7, It's her again!

Kailea is just enthralled with looking in the mirror. She usually talks to herself, babbling and making all sorts of squeaks and grunts and yips. This keeps her from having the required Tummy-Time-Is-Over-NOW-Melt-Down for... a little bit longer anyway.

Day 57: June 8, Eight Weeks Old

Here is a pretty girl in her pretty 8-weeks-old-birthday dress. Today we weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. (only 4th percentile, but a gain of 2 lbs. 5 oz. from birth), we were 21" long (8th percentile), and our head was 37" around (20th percentile). We got a bunch of immunization shots today, and weren't very happy about it, but felt much better after sleeping all day!

Day 58: June 9, Kitty Is No Consolation

Little Kailea was inconsolable for some reason or other, and didn't even notice that she was laying up against the kitty. Nikka was concerned about the crying, but very calm.

Day 59: June 10, Cousin Ashley's Graduation Party

My beautiful neice is graduating from high school. Way to go Ashley! Kailea wore her best dress and charmed the pants off of everyone at the party. Everyone had fun, even baby!

Day 60: June 11, Tuckered Out from the Babysitter

This was our first time leaving the girl with someone outside the family, and our first time leaving her without one of us present. Yikes! We went to see Ashley graduate, which was very hot, crowded, and uncomfortable - the perfect distraction to keep us from worrying too much about baby. Baby had a good time getting held a lot by Sabrina, Sabrina's kids, and Sabrina's friend Heather Puett - our professional baby photographer from last month. Apparently, all that being held was very tiring!

Day 61: June 12, Parenting is Perilous

Here I am with my brand new wrist brace, diagnosed with a form of tendonitis called De Quervain's tenosynovitis, or Mother's Wrist. My second parenting wound (the first was the C-section scar)! Supposedly it's from overusing my thumb while picking up baby Kailea, but I think it's from holding the bottle during feedings. The girl really thrashes around most feedings, squirming and kicking and grunting as she tries to poop and eat at the same time. Keeping the nipple in her mouth through this is kind of exhausting. It gives me one reason to be relieved that I'm not breast feeding though!

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