Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Perfect Parenting 101

It's completely normal for babysitting to make you feel like you're going to be a shit parent, right?

don't scream, ignore inappropriate behavior

don't laugh, ignore

don't cry, ignore

don't say stop doing that, remind what should be done instead

don't tell, ask

don't force, offer unappealing alternatives

model appropriate behavior, don't make them do it exactly the way that you do

inspire creativity, don't let your skill level intimidate

don't force the conversation, listen to the silence

don't say "need" when you mean "want"

don't command when you can ask

don't suggest when you can entice

don't do it for them, offer to do it for them

don't hover, but pay attention

don't give in, but be nice

be firm and kind, but not intermittently

negative enforcement hurts the child, intermittent reinforcement hurts your credibility, positive enforcement can be done without hurting the waistline

distraction and redirection work wonders, when they work

violence causes scars, calm voices can prevent them

if you're doing it wrong, ask how you should be doing things instead

if you're slandered, don't respond in kind

if you don't understand, ask

if you're not answered, wait and then ask it again differently

when overwhelmed, seek distance

when angry, seek peace

running out of the house like a screaming lunatic is cathartic, but limit to once a week

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