Friday, September 28, 2012

Days 132 - 140, 4th Week of August

Day 132: August 22, Missed It

Day 133: August 23, Stop Eating Your Ouchie!

Mommy boo-booed and snipped a little too zealously at a fingernail. When I realized the band-aid I put on her finger kept finding its way into her mouth, I had to do something to keep her from loosening it enough to choke on. Attempted solution: sock. Result: failure. Luckily, by the time I realized the sock just wasn't going to stay on, I could remove the bandage because the bleeding had stopped.

Day 134: August 24, She Got the Birdie!

For so long she's had to just watch those birdies go round and round above her head. Not any more!

Day 135: August 25, Sneaking Time with Gramma

At cousin JR's birthday party at the Everett Children's Museum. While he wasn't looking, Gramma sneaked in some quality time with Kai.

Day 136: August 26, Missed It

Day 137: August 27, Missed It

Day 138: August 28, 4 Month Check-Up

You'd never guess this happy little girl had her 4 month shots today!

Day 139: August 29, Missed It

Day 140: August 30, Is This Too Much?

While packing for our Labor Day trip, I pulled out this hat. It kind of matched what the girl was wearing, so we tried it out for a little photo shoot. Isn't she pretty?

Days 125 - 131, 3rd week of August

Day 125: August 15, Dawn

This summer waking with the girl for her first feeding, each morning we were greeted by a spectacular sunrise with the most intense colors. The light would illuminate Kailea's hair as an intense red-gold. It took some time and patience, but I finally got the light and the girl and the camera to all cooperate for a few amazing shots. This one is my favorite.

Day 126: August 16, Sleep Scooting

We've started using the co-sleeper downstairs as a little bassinet for her to nap in. Doing chores around the house, I came back to peek in on the girl and found she had scooted herself 90° from her starting point. Hopefully this she doesn't turn into a sleep walker when she's older!

Day 127: August 17, Missed It

Day 128: August 18, Missed It

Day 129: August 19, Why Aren't You Sleeping?

All swaddled and ready for bed, but no time for sleep - got to play with Mr. Lion!

Day 130: August 20, Sunny Flower Girl with Drool

Look at that face! Look at those eyes! That smile! That drool!

Day 131: August 21, Please Eat Baby

And here we have photographic proof of Keep the Bottle in the Baby's Mouth Game: she looks cute, but in those eyes are defiance. And those arms may look cuddly, but that's actually footage of a highly skilled maneuver being performed by Eric for purposes of holding both her hands out of the game, keeping the bottle in play, and holding her head as stationary as possible. We call it Baby Headlock, but it's really a Bodylock.

Days 118 - 124, 2nd week of August

Day 118: August 8, Standing Baby!

Kailea likes to use her Big Strong Legs to do the Standing Baby Song:
Jumpin', jumpin', jumpin.
Dancin', dancin', dancin'.
Jump, jump, jump.
Dance, dance, dance.
Standin' Baby! Yay!

Day 119: August 9, Are you teething?

Fist shoved in mouth: check.
Copious amounts of drool: check.
Crying for no known reason: check.

Day 120: August 10, Last Known Photo of Kai Drinking Willingly

The Keep The Bottle In The Baby's Mouth Game has become an every day occurence. She is actually a willing participant in this feeding though!

Day 121: August 11, Not A Newborn Anymore!

Back on April 30 we had some professional photos done by Heather Puett. Here we are again in that same outfit. Look how much she's grown!

Day 122: August 12, Birth Announcement Revisited

On April 23 I took the picture that we would use on one version of our birth announcements. Here she is again almost 4 months later and literally bursting through the seams of her Onesie!

Day 123: August 13, 4 Months

A pretty dress and a cute toy for a pretty cute little girl on her 4 month birthday.

Day 124: August 14, Overstimulation? Never!

You can tell I'm a good mom by all of the unnecessary toys I keep piling around her. *nods*

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Trying Not To Raise a Princess in a Disney Household

You may have noticed a backlash against princess play in feminism, especially towards Disney. If you missed it, here are some links for a taste of the bitterness.

The Sunday Conversation: Peggy Orenstein, The author of 'Cinderella Ate My Daughter' tells parents to fear the Disney princess
Resist the princesses
Princess Play Vs. Princess Culture: There Is A Difference
Princess Toys Aren’t the Problem – The Lack of Alternatives Are

Well, maybe bitterness isn't exactly what's motivating the authors there, but it certainly helps fuel my battle against anything princess. I'm actually more pissed off about Disney's hand in the rise of the princess than in the concept itself. Because I'm a Disney fan. Until I met my husband-to-be's sister, I was the biggest Disney fan I knew.

This has been hard on my sister-in-law. I made it clear when I was pregnant that I wanted the pink items kept to a minimum. On multiple occasions I have made it clear I want Kailea to have nothing to do with the Disney Princess experience for as long as humanly possible (I know it's an inevitability). She just got back from a trip to Disneyland, and while she was gone I sent her an email that said I knew exactly what she was up to, scouring the stores for Princess gear for my little lass, and would she please refrain and pick something Minnie Mouse instead. She complied, and ribbed me when she came over to present some adorable gifts for the keiki. My mother-in-law was also a recipient of that message, but so far she has been completely silent on the issue - she did show up with a Minnie Mouse onesie for Kai. I understand their frustration with me and my issue, because let's face it, this is my issue. No one is more frustrated than I am.

Frustrated because it's such a difficult task. I love Disney. I own almost all the DVDs, and am fretting on when to let her watch the Princess ones. Frustrated because there is just so much princess gear out there that she would look adorable wearing.

So why, why put myself and my family through this?

The most obvious reason is that I completely resent Disney turning their individual princess characters into one giant Mob of Princess Marketing. Not only are they selling short their characters, but their selling short their merchandise as well: have you noticed how generic and cheap a lot of the art for the Princess line has become? Their smiles are as plastic and rigid as the stuff their tiaras and castles and playsets and furniture and accessories are made from. Part of the magic of Disney is the art, and I do not appreciate the art of the Princess line.

And shame on Disney for leading the charge that segregated our toy stores, with their aisles and aisles of pink merchandise on one side, dark blue and black of Transformers and Batman on the other. Lego dived right in, pumping out themed sets until a person could go bankrupt trying to buy their kid everything. When was the last time you saw a Lego kit that wasn't themed? When was the last time you saw Legos outside of the boy aisles? And then, the horror, they decided to merchandise girl Lego sets. Lego, which used to be your gold standard for non-gender-specific toys.

There are other reasons why I am anti-princess, like what horrific role-models most of them are for little girls: you are special above all others and if you wait long enough, your prince will come to triumph over all of your troubles for you. Disney and most of mainstream media have made leaps and bounds trying to come up with heroines and female characters that break this stereotype. Go Disney! *rolls eyes* They still incorporate every new female character into their Princess line. *glares*

Did I mention I hated the color pink for most of my life, up until just a few years ago? Because I couldn't stand that it was a girl cliché. I also hated being a girl for a few years in elementary school. I refused to wear dresses and skirts, or the color pink. To this day I'm still a jeans and a t-shirt kinda gal who shaves her legs once a month, wears make-up twice a year, and wears heels maybe once every two years. Maybe. All of this is related to one core principal that defines me: I am an individual, I will not be defined by other people's labels, I will not conform to other people's ideas of beauty or ideals or morals or religion or social norms. Nothing much infuriated me more as a young adult than someone looking at me and assuming I didn't swear, I had no sexuality, I had no bad side. I have always hated being pigeonholed, and I will not do that to my daughter.

What if my daughter is a tomboy? What if my daughter is gay? What if my daughter wants to shoot guns and wear Batman costumes around the house? I will not stifle the future possibilities of my daughter by defining her gender for her from birth. She can decide what it means to her to be a girl as she grows up and discovers what is important to her. If she wants princess parties, she'll get them. If she refuses to wear pants or the color black, I'll honor her wishes. Just like I'm not going to tell her she can't be an astronaut when she grows up. Just like I'm not going to define a religion for her. Just like I'm not going to spend her entire life talking about how I can't wait for her to have a huge wedding.

I can do my best to instill my morals and values in my daughter. I can even favor introducing personal joys to her in hopes she'll share them, like 80s music and chocolate and cats and books and writing and looking at the stars. But I will not define her tastes and preferences. I will not dictate what she will and won't like. And that starts by not telling her that girls are princesses that wear pink. It starts by telling her that girls are people who can wear whatever the hell they want and be anyone they want to be.

Doesn't mean I'm not going to dress her up in pink stuff while she's a baby so I can gush over how darned cute she is, or call her pretty every other minute, or hope that magically her life really does turn out like a fairy tale. Just not Disney Princess pink stuff, ok?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

5 Months Old

On Thursday, September 13, Kailea was 5 months old. To celebrate we danced and sang songs and read books and took pictures and had some more yogurt. She also continued to be sick and slightly more grumpy than usual. The day wasn't all roses, but it wasn't all bad either. As sick babies go, Kailea is remarkably easy going.

In five months, the most notable change is just how much bigger she has gotten. She practically fills her co-sleeper now, which used to be so big for her that we would have to bolster her up to ensure she didn't slide down into a ball at the bottom by morning (it has an incline at the head for her reflux problems). Another noticeable change is that the reflux seems to have finally, blessedly, cleared up. It's hard to say if it's 100% gone since she's had some spells since she got sick, but we are pretty sure that's just from the antibiotics-induced-nausea and coughing fits. Another nice turn of events is just how happy she is. She's always been a pretty mellow baby, except when she's not (on or off, there is no middle ground in her moods!). But now she's obviously happy, evidenced by her constant smiles whenever she makes eye contact with anyone. They say that stranger anxiety begins soon, and I am dreading that, because watching her interact so happily with everyone and everything has been such a joy.

As far as activities, we've remained home bodies for the most part, with just the occasional trip to the grocery store. Hopefully this changes soon, now that she's getting over her cold and she's getting more tolerant of not having her every need met instantaneously. Watching her hunger cues has been vital in keeping the meltdowns to a minimum, but it never used to keep them from happening - she would go from normal to hungry to screaming for food in about 60 seconds flat. Now, finally, she typically displays her cues and acts hungry for 5-10 minutes before the screaming begins. Well, except while she's been sick - when there have been no hunger cues because she has been too nauseated to be hungry and we've had some very frustrating days trying to make her eat enough to keep from getting worse.

There were some special activities thrown in: we went to cousin JR's birthday party at the Everett Children's Museum and we spent a weekend in Ocean Shores. She enjoyed the party because she really enjoys noisy, active scenes. She slept though almost the entirety of our afternoon at the beach, but definitely enjoyed the trip as a whole because so many family members were there to cuddle and entertain her.

In the next month, we're going to start the next level of PEPS, do some serious research on starting solids, and have more tummy time in hopes that this inspires her to begin to crawl. There's been a lot of talking from her this weekend, so I'm also anxiously waiting to see what her first real word in English will be.

Kailea Christine Cairns
5 months old
head circumference: 23.5 cm.
body length: 23.5 in.
weight: about 13 lbs.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Milestone: Solid Foods + First Cold

Yesterday, September 12, Kailea had her first "solid food": yogurt. She's been sick for over a week now with a cold, and we think the antibiotics are upsetting her stomach because there was much screaming yesterday when we tried to feed her, and then again when we gave up: she was obviously hungry and upset about it, but just as upset about us trying to feed her. When I called the doctor's office, they suggested trying solids, specifically yogurt because the probiotics of it combats the yucky side effects of the antibiotics. I hate yogurt, so it was a huge coincidence that I actually had some on hand for some upcoming baking.

She really seemed to like the yogurt in the end. The experience was fun for us, watching her reactions, and also fun for her as she seems to enjoy anything new. She responded well to the spoon, wanting to grab it (but still not coordinated to help feed herself) and opening her mouth on most passes. Some of her expressions in the beginning were hilarious - she looked like someone eating something sour and tangy for the first time. Usually it's not quite so easy to gauge her expressions. There was a moment or two when I thought maybe she was going to throw it up, but that quickly passed and she was ready for more.

Much later that night, she did throw up. A really big one all over Daddy. There's no way to tell exactly what set her off, no way to rule out or blame the yogurt, but it's far more likely it was triggered by the bottle feeding Daddy had just given her. She has gotten blissfully better in the spit-up department over the past few weeks, going multiple days without. Unfortunately, when she does spit up, it's usually massive. Luckily for me, it's also usually right after her last feeding of the night so Eric gets to deal with it! It's tempting to just cut out that feeding, but she really needs the calories!

So now I'm guessing it's time to finally break out the research on solid foods. I was hoping to put that off for another few weeks. Life with baby is never what you expect!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

P-A-D: Days 111 - 117, First Week of August

Day 111: August 1, Missed It

Day 112: August 2, One Last Escape

Now that she's rolling over, we're saying goodbye to swaddling and giving a final salute to Houdini Baby (we can only hope).

Day 113: August 3, I've Got a Secret

I see this picture and I know that in the next moment she falls forward right on her face, but all I see is a sneaky look of a girl trying to keep a secret.

Day 114: August 4, Big Uncle, Little Girl

We went back to Port Orchard to spend a very warm day at the Wilson family BBQ. We spent time with Grandma and Aunt Chris, we met lots of Great Aunts and Great Uncles and new cousins, but the girl was especially photogenic when meeting her Uncle Tony for the first time.

Day 115: August 5, Big Belly Baby

Our little girl fell asleep with just a pair of shorts to cover her diaper thanks to the heat, and for once she looks like she's not the tiniest creature ever. Kind of.

Day 116: August 6, Strike a Pose

We went to a pool party today for our last PEPS meeting and had a blast. I was unsure about going in with her, but in the end I'm so glad we went into the pool together because she loved it. She was very relaxed and almost fell asleep. Here's a picture pre-pool, where I can practically hear her inner-diva calling out that she's ready for her close-up.

Day 117: August 7, Just Chillin' with Daddy

A quick shot of the girl and her Daddy before bed.

P-A-D: Days 106 - 110, End of July

Day 106: July 27, Nice Logo

Grandma stopped by for a quick visit before an important dinner meeting, and this time she brought an extra outfit to wear through any spit-ups. Instead of ralphing, Kai seemed very engaged in trying to grab at the World Vision logo. Grandma couldn't wait to tell Grandpa that she seemed to prefer this over the Rotary logo on the other side.

Day 107: July 28, Asleep Again

I just can't resist these pictures of her sleeping. She looks so peaceful and delicate and beautiful. It takes a lot of willpower not to grab her up and plant kisses all over her.

Day 108: July 29, Date Night

We finally had our first couple's night out to celebrate Eric's birthday. Kai had a fun evening with her Aunt Heidi and cousins - who are now pros at playing Keep the Bottle in the Baby's Mouth.

Day 109: July 30, Courting Day

Ethan finally broke out of his shell and asked Kai to go steady.

Day 110: July 31, Daddy's Cutie

Kai is wearing blue for her Daddy's birthday. Truth in advertising, this girl's definitely a cutie!