So far so good keeping up with the photos, not so good with keeping up posting them. I missed an entire week! Where did the time go? Oh, right, I'm the parent of a newborn...
Day 35: May 17, Lilacs fade too quickly...
I picked these so late in the day, I threw them into the freezer overnight to work with them the next day. And within moments of bringing them out, they began to brown. It was like a crazy science experiment gone wrong. She was still cute though.
Day 36: May 18, Another Walk Already Mommy?!
Someone did not want to go out for her walk, but I was meeting people at Greenlake. Once we got there, she slept through the entire thing. But I walked an entire mile. Woo-hoo!
Day 37: May 19, Seward Park
She almost slept through this entire walk as well, but we were on our way to the car when she demanded to be fed right that very instant. We walked a mile and a half that day!
Day 38: May 20, I'm too big for my onesie!
So did I mention I had to go out and buy her a set of Preemie onesies because almost all of her clothes were too big for her? Well, she's finally out of Preemie sizes - busting out, actually. Look at that baby gut. D'awwww.....
Day 39: May 21, 8 Pounds
I've been anxiously waiting to try out my Moby on baby, but the directions said to wait until baby weighed 8 lbs. Guess who tipped the scales at exactly that over the weekend?
Day 40: May 22, My Clothes Fit Mommy!
Hallelujah, her wardrobe is starting to fit! Her feet actually fill out her footie-pajamas! And do you see that coy expression? She is a born charmer, this one.
Day 41: May 23, Zonked
My sweet baby girl is zonked. I can only look on enviously, since the moment I attempt a nap, she awakens and demands her foods. She is a mean task-master. And what a set of lungs...
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
P-A-D: Days 35 - 41, I'm Exhausted
Thursday, May 17, 2012
P-A-D: Day 34, Frustrated and Frazzled
Let's be honest here for a moment. Parenting is hard. Parenting a newborn is exhausting. And quite often inglorious. Yesterday I wanted the picture to show a little of that.
Because the previous two days were about the hardest on me since we've had her at home. Her spitting up has gotten worse again, she is eating more and more often (likely because she keeps emptying her stomach immediately after eating), and she has become much more demanding with her newly found voice. Gone are the days of the "calm baby". If she's not asleep, she's is demanding to be held and/or fed. The after-midnight feedings have been particularly brutal, turning into multiple-hour ordeals where I fight exhaustion and nausea (thank you Mirapex) while watching her try to keep down her food both during and after her feeding. Because all you can do is watch, wishing helplessly that you could do something as her little face contorts and her mouth works and her hands go up to her lips in a futile attempt to keep her meal inside. I've heard there are worse cases of reflux than hers, so I am thankful. But that doesn't really make any of this easy.
I do have a plan of attack to make some of this a little less frustrating. I can't do anything about her reflux, and I can't do much about her sleep schedule, but there are things I can do to acclimate better than I have been. Yesterday was a little better because of this. Today, I'm hoping for a little more relief. Except for some reason I can't sleep in when suddenly given the chance. *le sigh*
Because the previous two days were about the hardest on me since we've had her at home. Her spitting up has gotten worse again, she is eating more and more often (likely because she keeps emptying her stomach immediately after eating), and she has become much more demanding with her newly found voice. Gone are the days of the "calm baby". If she's not asleep, she's is demanding to be held and/or fed. The after-midnight feedings have been particularly brutal, turning into multiple-hour ordeals where I fight exhaustion and nausea (thank you Mirapex) while watching her try to keep down her food both during and after her feeding. Because all you can do is watch, wishing helplessly that you could do something as her little face contorts and her mouth works and her hands go up to her lips in a futile attempt to keep her meal inside. I've heard there are worse cases of reflux than hers, so I am thankful. But that doesn't really make any of this easy.
I do have a plan of attack to make some of this a little less frustrating. I can't do anything about her reflux, and I can't do much about her sleep schedule, but there are things I can do to acclimate better than I have been. Yesterday was a little better because of this. Today, I'm hoping for a little more relief. Except for some reason I can't sleep in when suddenly given the chance. *le sigh*
P-A-D: Day 33, Girl in a Box
P-A-D: Day 32, Our Hands
On Monday, May 14, I wanted to capture an image of those tiny hands. I forgot to mention it during the professional photo shoot, dammit! Oh well. Mine turned out ok. :)
Anyone else reminded of Michelangelo's Creator reaching towards Adam from the Sistine Chapel?
Anyone else reminded of Michelangelo's Creator reaching towards Adam from the Sistine Chapel?
Monday, May 14, 2012
P-A-D: Day 31, One Month Old
Kailea's one-month birthday was yesterday, Sunday the 13th. On Friday (she was exactly 4 weeks old) she weighed 7.2 pounds, and measured about 20" long (measuring a baby isn't easy!). That is a gain of just over 1 pound, and 2 inches. Our girl continues to be a drama queen, spitting up often, keeping us awake at night long after she's finished feeding, and losing her "calm baby" persona to fuss regularly like any other newborn.
She is already visibly larger, and I have mixed feelings about this. About the time we brought her home from the hospital, it struck me that she was beginning to grow and I didn't want that to happen. I selfishly want to be able to hold her in my arms whenever I want, for as long as I want. How precious to always have this tiny baby on hand, to cuddle whenever you want. But she's not a pet, she's a growing girl! I'm looking forward to seeing her smile at me, to have her reach for me, to hear her first words. Maybe I'll want to freeze her then, too. But I'm sure I'll quickly begin to long for seeing her walk, hear her speak in sentences, hear her giggle as she runs around the house. Of course, it will be nice when she's finally out of diapers!
So yesterday was not only Kailea's birthday, but it was also my first mother's day. We spent way too much effort cleaning and preparing to have both of our families over, so long before bed time we were exhausted, but it was well worth it. I finally have pictures of everyone holding the baby! Plus, I think everyone had a nice time chatting, eating, and otherwise celebrating the mothers in the family. Eric went out and bought me a camcorder, at my request. Hopefully we'll be putting it to good use soon. It really was a lovely day.
She is already visibly larger, and I have mixed feelings about this. About the time we brought her home from the hospital, it struck me that she was beginning to grow and I didn't want that to happen. I selfishly want to be able to hold her in my arms whenever I want, for as long as I want. How precious to always have this tiny baby on hand, to cuddle whenever you want. But she's not a pet, she's a growing girl! I'm looking forward to seeing her smile at me, to have her reach for me, to hear her first words. Maybe I'll want to freeze her then, too. But I'm sure I'll quickly begin to long for seeing her walk, hear her speak in sentences, hear her giggle as she runs around the house. Of course, it will be nice when she's finally out of diapers!
So yesterday was not only Kailea's birthday, but it was also my first mother's day. We spent way too much effort cleaning and preparing to have both of our families over, so long before bed time we were exhausted, but it was well worth it. I finally have pictures of everyone holding the baby! Plus, I think everyone had a nice time chatting, eating, and otherwise celebrating the mothers in the family. Eric went out and bought me a camcorder, at my request. Hopefully we'll be putting it to good use soon. It really was a lovely day.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
P-A-D: Day 30, Her First Sunset
Yesterday we took another spur-of-the-moment trip, but this one was only
about five minutes away: the Edmonds waterfront. Baby wasn't really so
interested in the miracle of nature unfolding in front of her, and she
wasn't much phased by the train that sped by just moments after this
shot was taken. No, she just wanted to be fed!
P-A-D: Day 29, Houdini Baby
Yes, she has outsmarted yet another manufacturer of swaddling gear. Feel no shame, Summer Infant, I'm sure your SwaddleMe is perfectly capable of containing babies with lesser skills. Kailea, however, is proving herself to be a master escape artist. Soon, you will hear her name whispered far and wide, as her growing skills continue to mystify and entertain...
P-A-D: Day 28, My Little Strawberry
My cousin-in-law Trista makes the most adorable crocheted wearables, which you can find at her Etsy shop Tristas Creations. She gifted us three adorable hats at my baby shower, two of which can be seen in my Facebook album "the keiki", here and here. Here is the third, a strawberry. My baby just gets cuter and cuter every day!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
P-A-D: Day 27, Self Portrait with Baby
I've been wishing almost since she was born that I could somehow take pictures of myself feeding my baby. Yesterday it occurred to me that I had a remote trigger for my camera that I had never even removed from the packaging, so I finally broke it out to see what I could do with it. I love it! One of the best under $20 purchases I've ever made.
Mind you, self-portraiting isn't exactly an easy task. Out of 34 images taken, exactly two of them were good enough to show to other people. Between bad head positioning, unflattering gut shots, and weird expressions, going over the images was not as fun as I thought it would be. There's always next time.
Mind you, self-portraiting isn't exactly an easy task. Out of 34 images taken, exactly two of them were good enough to show to other people. Between bad head positioning, unflattering gut shots, and weird expressions, going over the images was not as fun as I thought it would be. There's always next time.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
P-A-D: Day 26, Relieved by Grandma
On Tuesday May 8 I was about to go out shopping, leaving Eric to watch the girl while he worked, when Grandma Cairns arrived to relieve us. Yay! Grandma Cairns always has a magic way with feedings, cuddles, and inspiring alert wakefulness. Thanks Grandma!
P-A-D: Day 25, Bundled for a Walk
On Monday May 7 I took Kailea for a walk, just me and my girl in her stroller. And a bunch of layers. Floppy hat to protect from the sun. Mittens to keep her hands warm because she refuses to keep her hands under the blanket. Short-sleeved onesie because it was a little warm. Blanket because I didn't want her to get chilled. Spit rag on the blanket because she is always spitting up. And away we went! We were out for a grand total of... oh, five minutes? Maybe next time we'll go a little bit farther.
Monday, May 7, 2012
P-A-D: Day 24, Name Banner by J. AustinRyan
Speaking of unnecessary purchases, I love spending at Etsy! Here is a handmade banner designed just for my little Miss Kailea, courtesy of J. AustinRyan. It's absolutely perfect, just like my girl. Is it just me, or is her hair looking a little reddish in this picture?
Unnecessary Spending on Baby
Like most every other American mom-to-be, I had a Baby Registry at a certain giant retail chain store for Babies. The store was so big, with so many offerings, that I made two trips just to add things to the registry, not to mention the countless afternoons I spent online adding things via their website. My Sister-in-Law and I had multiple conversations on the ridiculousness of this enormous industry making money off of mothers and their desire to provide everything possibly for their babies. So much of what is available seems completely unnecessary. But in the end, I purchased plenty of "unnecessary" baby items for my girl. It feels kind of shameful, but most of these purchases turned out to be for the good. Here's a rundown.
I have a love/hate relationship with the HALO brand SleepSack Swaddle. Running it through the wash almost ruined it before it was ever used, warping the velcro and creating a lot of loose threads. Plus, the velcro decided to stick to only the most delicate of other items that it was washed with, almost ruining those as well. When I finally had it looking useable, I almost threw it out - all the velcro seemed dangerously scratchy to be wrapped all around my little girl's so-soft skin. But one night I got desperate: she would not stop fussing, and had Houdinied herself out of multiple attempts to swaddle with blankets. I wrapped her up in this contraption and voila, instantly quieted baby who allowed herself to be bundled off to bed for the night. Now I'm looking in to getting a non-micro-fleece version that we can use during the summer, since this version makes her very, very toasty overnight.
I purchased these before I even knew how to swaddle. It seemed a bit presumptuous at the time to invest in four swaddle blankets when my attempts to perform "baby origami" had failed so miserably so far, especially since they weren't the cheapest ones out there. But I love these things now. Yes, they have adorable prints. But they are most definitely the perfect size for swaddling a newborn baby, and the only blankets that so far have had any chance of containing our little Houdini Baby. Plus, they are lightweight enough to use in any weather. Also, they make excellent sun shades...
These seemed like a good idea at the time. A necessary purchase to be sure! The problem is, they only cover about three-quarters of the passenger door windows they're attach to. The sun is constantly getting in our keiki's eyes, usually when we are stopped at a light and can do nothing about it. The problem really isn't the shade however, but really the configuration of the windows of my Hyundai Santa Fe. The only real solution is to somehow tint those windows. Until then, those muslin swaddle blankets do work wonders, except for blocking the driver from seeing the baby's face in the mirror. Not a bad purchase, just frustratingly inadequate.
I was warned about the unnecessity of added head supports like these. But Kailea is so tiny in her car seat, and her head is constantly lolling over to the side at a very uncomfortable-looking angle. These are very easy to move between the car seat and her bouncer, which also gives us problems. She doesn't seem to like them very much - I think they work a little too well for her and her adamant desire to always be able to move all of her body whenever she feels like it (and never when you want her to!). But they definitely do the job!
When my online registry suggested I add a wipes warmer to my list, I couldn't believe my eyes. This was the penultimate example of an Unnecessary Baby Product designed by the industry to suck extra dollars away from inexperienced new mothers. Or at least I thought so at the time. Fast forward to weeks of changing diapers on a screaming baby, and it dawned on me that the really blood-curdling screams were always brought on when I introduced the cold baby wipe to her skin. I originally balked at the idea of caving in to The Man, but told myself I would at least look in to how much a wipes warmer costs. On my very next trip out, I discovered that they were only about $20, and bam! it was in the cart. My reward was a non-screaming baby at her next changing. Whoever invented these things, I salute you!
After a few weeks of dunking bottles in vats of heated tap water for l-o-o-o-n-g minutes during which our keiki would quickly begin to wail, I remembered that I a bottle warmer tucked away somewhere that just needed to be plugged in and have its instructions deciphered. The instructions were simple, the heating was unbelievably quick, and baby was much happier much more quickly! Of course, this just means that we're reinforcing her need for instant gratification - exampled by her new tendency to cry almost immediately when she's hungry, instead of her previous M.O. of giving us a few minutes of grace period to figure out her hunger cues. Still, I can't fault the warmer - it is wonderful!
When I received a free sample of these, I threw them out, as they immediately were in the running for Most Unnecessary Baby Product Ever. Between spit rags and bibs and baby wipes and tissue, was a packet of moistened wipes just for baby's nose really something someone should even consider? Well, after weeks of watching Kailea spit-up through her nose, and watching that little nose get more and more red, I broke down and bought a packet. The end result is she hates having her nose wiped with these just as much as with anything else I try to use, but her nose doesn't get completely dried out and red so quickly. Final judgment: worth the $3.
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HALO SleepSack Micro-Fleece Newborn Disney Swaddle |
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aden + anais Cotton 4 Pack Muslin Swaddle Blanket |
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Eddie Bauer 2 Pack Deluxe RollerShade |
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Eddie Bauer 2 in 1 Head Support |
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Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer |
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The First Years Babypro Quick Serve Bottle Warmer |
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Boogie Wipes Original Fresh Scent 30 Count |
Sunday, May 6, 2012
P-A-D: Day 23, My Two Grandmas
On Sunday May 5 we finally took a trip back to Port Orchard. It was a short trip, but Kailea needed to spend some time with her grandparents! Kailea didn't seem to notice getting a quick lick from doggy Alexa, but she did spend plenty of time gazing up at her Grandma Duarte. She also had her third ride in her stroller, but she slept through that entirely. Fresh air is exhausting!
P-A-D: Day 22, 6 lbs. 13.5 oz.
What a day! On Friday May 4 our girl beat all expectations for her 3-week weigh-in: at 6 pounds, 13.5 oz, she gained 12 ounces in 1 week. Almost twice the gain we were aiming for! Her pediatrician declared her officially, perfectly "normal". Woo-hoo!
Then that afternoon we spent a few hours with Aunt Heidi and Cousin J.R. So many visitors this week!
Then that afternoon we spent a few hours with Aunt Heidi and Cousin J.R. So many visitors this week!
Friday, May 4, 2012
P-A-D: Day 21, Picture Day!
Yesterday was picture day! Kailea's Aunt Heidi and Grandma Cairns chipped in together to gift us with a photoshoot from Heather Puett Photography, so our keiki got all gussied up. She responded really well to Heather, and eventually managed to fall asleep to allow for some of the more creative poses, so I think it definitely went well. I can't wait to see the pictures!
No seriously, I couldn't wait: I had to show off the cute outfit we bought for just this occasion. There are better pictures of the outfit, but this is the sweetest picture of my precious girl that I've managed to capture so far. She can make a heathen like myself believe in angels.
No seriously, I couldn't wait: I had to show off the cute outfit we bought for just this occasion. There are better pictures of the outfit, but this is the sweetest picture of my precious girl that I've managed to capture so far. She can make a heathen like myself believe in angels.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
P-A-D: Day 20, Pile on Daddy!
On May 2nd, I was feeling stumped about how to photograph our girl. She was really cranky when she was awake, and definitely not up for any wardrobe changes. It was the day of her first bath, but we were so nervous and she was so upset, there was no time for pictures. I was losing hope, afraid I would have to resort to yet another photo of her zonked out in her bouncer, when Eric called to me quietly, "Get the camera."
Daddy meant to use the pillow in his lap for little baby Kailea, but our cat Nikka had other plans.
Daddy meant to use the pillow in his lap for little baby Kailea, but our cat Nikka had other plans.
P-A-D: Day 19, Lei Day
Did you know that May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii? As a child, I remember making leis the night before that would be taken to school, flown over to Oahu, and then placed on the graves of fallen soldiers at Punchbowl (The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific). There was always an unofficial competition between classmates to see who would make the most leis, but one was usually enough for me. I always used white plumerias, my favorite Hawaiian flower. Even as a kid, I understood the sacredness of giving and receiving of a lei, so as an adult I have made a few for very special occasions. When my mother placed the lei around my neck on my wedding day, I cried.
I honored this tradition by making a tiny (too tiny I would find) lei for my little girl. I used the plastic flowers that decorated a bouquet of washcloths given to us at the hospital by my Sister-in-Law Heidi to celebrate Kailea's birth. I was really tempted to go outside and pick some real ones, but didn't want to deal with the milk that gets all over your hands when you work with fresh flowers. Plus, I can keep this little lei as a souvenir of my girl's very first Lei Day.
I honored this tradition by making a tiny (too tiny I would find) lei for my little girl. I used the plastic flowers that decorated a bouquet of washcloths given to us at the hospital by my Sister-in-Law Heidi to celebrate Kailea's birth. I was really tempted to go outside and pick some real ones, but didn't want to deal with the milk that gets all over your hands when you work with fresh flowers. Plus, I can keep this little lei as a souvenir of my girl's very first Lei Day.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
P-A-D: Day 18, Tulip Festival
Day 18, April 30: It was 2:05pm on a Monday when I had the grand idea that we should brave the blustery, occasionally rainy weather to head out to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival to see a little color. We arrived at Tulip Town shortly before 4pm. We had an hour to visit the tulips. And the muddy, muddy fields they lived in. Yikes! The stroller will never be the same.
It would have been nice to get some pictures of the girl outside with actual live, growing tulips, but it was rather chilly and we knew once we lifted her out of the stroller, there would be no getting her peacefully back in. Plus, all that mud made everything very slippery, and I wasn't about to risk falling flat on my face with my precious little Kailea in my arms! We had to settle for some indoor pictures with arranged flowers. Oh well!
It would have been nice to get some pictures of the girl outside with actual live, growing tulips, but it was rather chilly and we knew once we lifted her out of the stroller, there would be no getting her peacefully back in. Plus, all that mud made everything very slippery, and I wasn't about to risk falling flat on my face with my precious little Kailea in my arms! We had to settle for some indoor pictures with arranged flowers. Oh well!
P-A-D: Day 17, A Glooming of Eeyores
On April 29, Day 17 of my Photo-A-Day Challenge, I introduced my girl to Eeyore. Actually, a whole bunch of Eeyores. I have officially decided that a group of Eeyores shall now be known as a "glooming".
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