Hi everybody.
First things first: there's some confusion about who has been told about the pregnancy, so if this email is a surprise... Surprise! I'm pregnant! *blush*
Our keiki (Hawaiian for baby/child) is 118 days along today (11/18/11). There are so many different ways to track the age, so here are some other figures for you: Lunar Month 5 has just begun, it's Lunar week 17, it's LNMP week 19. I call that last one "Doctor Math", because it automatically ages your baby by 2 weeks, counting the pregnancy from the date of your Last Known Menstrual Period. Most women don't know the exact day of conception, so Doctor Math is for them. We know exactly how old the little keiki is (a perk of in-vitro), so I like to count the days. But wait! There's one last method: Estimated Due Date (EDD) fluctuates as they determine the "correct age" of the fetus through physical measurements via ultrasound. My due date so far has been pushed back from April 15th to the 17th, but this week's ultrasound aged her differently again, so I'm expecting them to change the EDD once more.
I am not making this up! O.o
So the ultrasound this last Tuesday went well, with the shadowy blob looking much bigger and more baby-like than ever before. She has been quite bouncy during all her past ultrasounds, but this time she was just lounging and waving. Yes, I said she. We're going to have a little girl, and her brain, neck, arms, legs, hands and feet look just fine.
I am yet another statistic reinforcing the "theory" that lots of morning sickness means you're having a girl.
Yes, there has been LOTS of morning sickness. It was a very rough 1st Trimester - more like 24/7 sickness with a day off here and there. I lost 10 pounds. I mostly missed the leaves turning. I have been a shut-in, hovering near my bed and the toilet. Facebook and blogging and my jewelry business have all been sorely neglected.
So far the 2nd Trimester has been not much fun either, but I'll take sick half the time over 90% of the time thank you very much! My appetite is better, when it's there. Most foods still sound disgusting. Between the finicky eating and rebounding into sickness, I'm maintaining this lower weight - and for once that's a bad thing.
Well, that's all that's coming to mind right now. After two and a half good days, today is starting off as a nausea day. Blah.
If you have any questions, feel free to email or call. I still hate the phone though, so email is preferred.
Oh, it looks like I forgot a few exclamations in there, so here ya go:
It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Mysie
ps: I have been threatened multiple times with people's intentions to "pink bomb" the baby with lots of pink frilly stuff. Do what you must, but her color scheme is going to be pastels, mostly green and purple. This matches the "classic Pooh" motif, as well as turtles. Yes, I've already picked a Totem Animal for my kid.